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Many professional athletes use their platform to promote change, be it inclusion, diversity, where your favorite basketball shoes are made, climate change, whatever.
The cause of the four-time Formula 1 champion Sebastian Vettel is as down-to-earth as possible. Vettel just wants people to pull behind him. Not only does it help the planet, it also helps some of the people who make big events like the US Grand Prix in Austin, Texas a great time – a perfect win-win situation.
Vettel even took a moment before the race on Sunday in Austin to kindly remind the fans.
“One thing struck me, I think everyone is having fun today, but please no rubbish,” said Vettel in a TV interview before the race. “I noticed there was a lot of stuff lying around on the track. And I know it’s a big event and you should have fun, but please don’t throw it away. And throw your things in the bin. It makes life a lot easier for all of the people who have to clean up. so thank you for the respect and enjoy your day. “
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Vettel has gone the way this year and even spent a few hours helping the cleanup teams earlier this season after the British F1 Grand Prix at Silverstone. Vettel’s words and deeds are not lost on his Aston Martin team either.
Aston Martin F1 Team Principal Otmar Szafnauer says the team and F1 as a whole continue to take climate, sustainability and saving the planet seriously.
“One of our sponsors is BWT (a water treatment company) and they are committed to sustainability and the reduction of plastics,” Szafnauer told Autoweek recently in a Zoom interview. “And we are building a new factory and a new wind tunnel. We make sure that the factory is CO2-neutral when it is built. So there are many things that we can do as a Formula 1 team.” .
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“(Formula 1) has now introduced E-10 fuel from next year. So Formula 1 itself is working on sustainability initiatives. We applaud Sebastian for bringing this to the attention of people. He spent a few hours after the Silverstone Grand Prix Picking up garbage under the stands. He doesn’t do that for advertising reasons. He really wants to help and has been picking up garbage for hours, which I think is great.
“I know it’s a minor thing, but he sees it like this, ‘If I can do it and everyone does it, we’ll be in a better place.’ “
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