Saturday, 28 Sep, 2024

15 Best McLarens Of All Time

15 Best McLarens Of All Time

Naming a car after one of the greatest Formula 1 drivers of all time is a gamble, but McLaren put apprehensive minds to rest when it unveiled the Senna in 2017. The brand billed its creation as “the ultimate road-legal track car.” This was, in other words, the most brutal track day toy that McLaren could feasibly convince regulators to fit with a license plate. It packed a 4.0L twin-turbocharged V8 engine that produced 789 horsepower and 590 lb-ft of torque, yet it only weighed 2,641 lbs.

It was also very much “function over form” in the styling department, to the point where the Senna was called ugly by some. Even McLaren acknowledged, according to Car Throttle, that it wasn’t the best-looking car, but promised that actually driving it would alleviate any concerns that buyers might have. It turns out, the brand was right, as the Senna received universal praise for its handling by many reviewers lucky enough to get behind the wheel, including Top Gear. A total of 500 cars were produced at a price of £750,000 each (roughly $966,000), and all were sold before the car was even revealed. Today, it’s tricky to find a Senna for less than $1.2 million.